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Mission Critical Productivity System

Mission Critical Productivity System

Right, another productivity system post 🙄 But wait! Meet Mission Critical - my dead simple system that actually works 💪 Why I Created This 📝 I have designed this system with the aim to help people who struggle with getting things done. This is...

What is 🧠 brain dump and how to use it ?

What is 🧠 brain dump and how to use it ?

Updated for 2025. We all have an awful lot of information stored in our brains. So much, in fact, that getting it out and into a form that’s tangible and which can be acted on is rather tricky. Or is it? If you’ve never heard of a brain dump but have endless thoughts...

If I were to give you just one productivity tip for 2025

If I were to give you just one productivity tip for 2025

I'm getting a lot of questions regarding productivity and over the years. It's become clear to me that a lot of people would like to improve their productivity but... They don't have time to read book / blogs and learning new methods/systems. They don't fancy...

3 Productivity tips you can implement TODAY

3 Productivity tips you can implement TODAY

Yes, you heard me right. TODAY. No fancy apps needed, definitely no waking up at 5am 😂 ,no need to reed another productivity book and defo no courses. On a more serious note, it's always good to read a productivity book or maybe two. Bit not today. Today, we...

Don’t Break the Chain Productivity System

Today we'll be taking a look at perhaps a little bit less know productivity system know as Don’t Break the Chain Who invented Don’t Break the Chain productivity system ? We're not 100% sure but according to some articles online, this productivity method was...

What is the best productivity system for 2021 ?

tldr: there is no best system, what's best is what works for youYou may say this is a clickbait. In fact, there is no such thing as the best productivity app, the best productivity system etc. Speaking of productivity systems. We are working on our own, analogue...

Starting YouTube channel in 2021 – tips for beginners.

So you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel. Staring a new YouTube channel is not easy, especially in 2021. It’s difficult to say how many channels are there in total but from what we could find out, it’s around 36 million. Yes 36,000,000 we’re not joking....

Simple Tips for Your Personal Annual Year End Review

So the 2020 is over. It's time to look back and reflect. Personal Annual Year End Review is the best way to keep on top of our goals and measure progress. In this post we'll share some of the tis we find useful. We'll try to keep it very simple and basic. Some of our...

Procrastination – a personal perspective

We’ve covered this subject in more detail (focusing on freelancers) some time ago. In this post however I wanted to share my personal experience with procrastinating.  Things I found difficult as well as techniques and habits I’ve implemented to get rid of reduce...

How to find more time in your day

People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy. - Seneca 1) Don’t waste your time; be frugal with it People are frugal in guarding their...

5 tips to help freelancers stop procrastinating

Freelancing is increasingly becoming the career path of choice for many workers in the UK. It’s not easy, though, and far too many people still enter the world of freelancing without realising how hard they’ll need to work in order to run a sustainable business. The...

My productivity essentials

My productivity essentials - 3 main things.     1) Write things down If you're anything like me, you'll find that if you fail to write something down, you'll easily forget it. This sounds very simple but it helps me a lot with getting things done. You don't...

Happy 2nd birthday to my blog

I can't believe it's been two years, how the time flies. is 2 years old.   I was checking out the post I wrote a year ago and I'm quite happy with they way things are going. The blog is growing, we have more content and people enjoy reading it....

Notability for iOS App Review

For many people, mobile phones are their first point of call for most activities, playing games, taking pictures, making videos, creating art, and let’s not forget calling and texting people. Personally, one of the most important yet overlooked areas that a mobile...

Why do your visitors leave without buying

Why do your visitors leave without buying

Updated April 2020 If you have ever worked on SEO for an eCommerce website, you'll know that one metric matters above all others for the client: sales. But what if sales are failing to materialise? Below are some of the reasons which may be stopping your visitors from...

iA Writer iOS app review (iPhone).

It seems a little odd to me, that I should be writing a review for a mobile app and singing its praises because of how few functions it has, but that’s exactly what I’m doing. The iA Writer app is a word processor that does very little more than provide a virtual...

Balanced – iOS App Review

It’s not a new concept that everybody on this little old planet is a lot busier than they ever used to be. It’s impossible to check just how calm and relaxed people may have been in past times, but nowadays things can get pretty hectic. Our lifestyles are in general...

List of App Store Optimisation (ASO) tools.

App Store Optimisation tools - updated November 2016. As the number of mobile apps grows, so does the App Store Optimisation (ASO) industry. To meet this demand, software developers are creating new tools designed to help marketers, ASO experts and App Developers with...

What type of content should I post on my blog?

"What type of content should I post on my blog?" is something my customers often ask me. And just like with my last post where I talked about SEO, PPC and Social, the answer is: IT DEPENDS. It depends on a number of factors such as the very purpose, type and topic of...

PPC, SEO or Social ?

Recently, a potential customer asked me, “Which one should I go for, SEO, PPC or Social?”. “It depends” - I replied. Working in online marketing I get asked this question quite a lot. Usually by small business owners with small budgets. The thing is, there is no...

One Year Blogging Anniversary

One Year Blogging Anniversary

Believe it or not it’s been more than a year since I started this blog. I published my first post here on the 24th of June 2014. I don't post often but I do have a busy life and in my spare time I try to spend as little time online as possible. Having said that, I...

New Year’s resolution

Although the history of a New Year’s resolutions goes as far back as the ancient times of Babylonians and Romans, I have never tried making one. 2015 will be the first time for me.   2014 was a great year for me both professionally and personally. I’ve taken on new...

5 Reasons Why You Should Support Crowdfunding

The Internet has given rise to many new industries since it’s rapid growth in popularity since the turn of the Millenium. Online shopping, internet marketing companies and digital dating websites are just a few examples, but one of todays heavy hitters is a relatively...

The Best of BrightonSEO September 2014

This past Friday, I attended the BrightonSEO Show, a conference for SEO workers across the World. BrightonSEO became a hub for ideas, discussions and information sharing between the best and brightest in the field. BrightonSEO is one of my favourite UK events, and...

Productivity on the go with Trello App for iOS

Productivity on the go with Trello App for iOS

Trello is a productivity software, developed by Fog Creek Software Inc., that is an easy to use and infinitely flexible organisational tool. Earlier this week, it broke away from the Fog Creek umbrella to become it’s own company, Trello Inc.   I’ve been using...

SPAM! It’s a MMOG’s game

  “Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!” is a cry that any Monty Python fan worth their salt will recognise with a smile and a sense of amusement, but when you talk of spam in relation to unsolicited contact then it’s rarely funny. Spam is a part of everyday online life,...